A Breakthrough in Africa

Cameroon Debate Association (CDA) and RIPAO-Cameroon: global changemakers societies from Cameroon
The 11th of May 2019 was an interesting day indeed as the Cameroon Debate Association (CDA) and the International Network for the promotion of Arts of Speech, Cameroon (INPAS-Cameroon) came together to put into play their General Assembly.
Unique of its kind since both associations were created, this General assembly gave ground to the associations to sign a partnership agreement with the African Leadership Academy (ALA); to evaluate the activities implemented by the outgoing executive team, its hindrances, achievements and aspirations, passing through a thorough review of its strategic vision held for 2015-2020, that stressed self-Determination and Responsibility as per its members. The agreement between CDA and ALA gave birth to a project of 30 trained facilitators for sensitization campaigns on ALA’s scholarships and opportunities programs in secondary schools, Cameroon, and to organize the school debate championship, come ending May 2019.
This assembly also set other projects regarding debates competition and how to widen the scope or network of both associations, all enacted in the overall decisions of the assembly. It was, hence, also the arena for elections of the incoming bureau of both associations, whereby Ngankan Daquin Douglas and Tsague Dongfack Willy Endelson evolved as presidents of CDA and INPAS-Cameroon, respectively. It is however worth mentioning that both presidents have good experience as per debates and oral practices, and good visions for their associations.

To emphasize more, INPAS-Cameroon which is new, thus, yet to be grounded in Cameroon, we wish to support the statement of the newly president, Tsague Dongfack: “It will be a heavy task for us, given the renowned image this association has already in the world, but we need to strive hard together to reach this goal, while giving to it a Cameroonian standpoint.”. From this extract, it is obvious that enough is still to be done. We count however on his experience and efforts to lead the group towards prosperous avenues as it has been the case, the previous year with INPAS-Egypt having Binyou Marius Yannick (founder), Elongue Christian and Narcisse Fomekong as presidents.
This association is driving towards new goals and that entails empowering its personnel and indulging in diverse fields of life enabling the professional insertion of its members and processes of self-determination. In connect with this, a set of capacity empowerment workshops are on board as from mid-May in diverse domains proposed by the National Coach, Binyou Marius Yannick and partners. With this, the association intends to widen the scope of debate clubs in primaries, secondary and higher institutions in Cameroon and other African countries. In this collective dynamism, there is no doubt that leaders of diverse scales of life will be nurtured under the canopy of RIPAO-Cameroon and CDA in the nation at large even at the international levels.