A centre for the promotion of public speaking in Cameroon
Debate and Leadership Club of Dschang University is an association that trains young Cameroonians and academics in public speaking and debate culture. Both are instruments for personal development and a culture of openness
A centre for the promotion of public speaking in Cameroon in general and at the University of Dschang in particular As part of its weekly meeting, the Dschang University Debate and Leadership Club met on Saturday, April 20, 2019 with new members from different faculties of the said university
It is the room called “FOYER” of the University of Dschang that served as the venue for the debate and leadership club of the said university to carry out its traditional activities whose purpose and object is to promote and train young scholars in oral practice and debate. The session was chaired by President Nicola NTAMAG who personally took the responsibility of welcoming our brothers and sisters from different faculties

De facto, this club session was a bit special; this was in preparation for the inter-faculty competition (CLASH) that will be held on the campus of Dschang University in the coming days. The summer session was essentially centred on the debate module (British parliamentary format) in order to allow novices to immerse themselves in the roles of each speaker in the said format. Indeed, this explanation of the British parliamentary format was made by our valiant President Mr Nicolas NTAMAG and followed by his Vice-President Mr Fayçal PEPOUNA (young and talented Cameroonian entrepreneur). In their clear and concise presentations, the presidents gave the roles of each side, in particular that of the government on the one hand and the opposition on the other. First, with respect to government, the presenters said that there are four of them: -THE HEAD OF GOVERNMENT: who, according to the Chairman, is responsible for introducing the motion as a whole and demonstrating its merits; then makes an argument to defend his point of view. -THE FIRST DEPARTURE OF THE GOVERNMENT: the latter is initially responsible for refuting the opposition’s arguments in a succinct manner; in a second phase, it presents its arguments to defend the government’s point of view – THE SECONG DEPARTED FROM THE GOVERNMENT: he is responsible for undermining the opposition’s arguments and then redirecting the debate in order to calm the temperature in the room – THE SECRETARY: this is the most important role in the debate alongside the role of the head of government. The latter is responsible for summarizing the arguments of his government all by showing the validity of his arguments; and if possible, he gives his own point of view (arguments) on the motion that is submitted to the assembly for consideration.
By Arnold Moyo. Tel:690 17 67 43